Saturday, February 5, 2011

My Dream :)

So I had this dream the other night that I thought was a really great analogy for what dating is all about! So I thought I would share, mostly because its fun...and hopefully informative in some small way.

In my dream I was at this big party, that I am guessing was at some kind of resort, or hotel. There were people everywhere dressed up and they were dancing, and eating, and there was loud music, it was a bit overwhelming. It was fun at first and I was a little distracted, but I remember wandering around the party looking for my husband. Guys kept coming up to me and trying to get me to talk to them, or dance with them, or give me food, etc...but all I wanted to do was get past them so that I could find my husband. There were all these different levels and staircases and I kept climbing from level to level and the party got quieter and less crazy- the people were nicer and there were less of them on every level. Still every time I got to a new level I would have to wander around, and tell guys that I wasn't interested. Finally I remember having kind of an "aha" moment, I knew that my husband would be on the top level, because he liked quiet and peace. I knew I would find him up there, so I rushed up the stairs and past all the parties and people and there he was, waiting for me at the top- he took me in his arms and gave me a big hug- and it was just the best feeling...knowing I had worked so hard to find him and being with him was the most peaceful wonderful feeling in the world. Then I woke up! The best part of course is that he was right next to me and I could snuggle up next to him and thank my Father in Heaven that I really did find him in real life.
So-- the moral of this crazy dream? I think its a parallel for dating life. We wander through different groups, different levels in our life- waiting always for the right person for us. We search through crowds of other guys, knowing somehow that they aren't who we are looking for. I don't think that its incidental that I found him on the topmost the peace and quiet. I think we get distracted for a time looking for the "flashy" and the "heartpounding" kind of love- the "twitterpation" as my parents always called it. When what we are really seeking is the peace, and quiet joy from knowing that we are with someone who loves us as much as we love them. I am not saying that there is "ONE" person for each of us, and that we have to search through the crowds to find "the one". But simply that we have to get past all those different levels of what we THINK we want in a relationship- and realize that true love comes in the comfort of quiet moments. True love is a feeling of perfect peace within ourselves. Suddenly having "fireworks" together and feeling "swept off your feet" seems less important than just simply being together and enjoying every minute of it.


  1. Aleesha, I love you! I don't think anyone could have said it better. Seriously, this really is what dating is all about. Man, you have DEEP dreams! that's awesome!! Really though, dating is this maze of "craziness"... I was telling that to my roommate the other night. She was frustrated with the dating scene, and I said, yeah it's crazy and annoying and frustrating. But just know that he's really THERE! He's out there-- the man you'll be with for forever! I told her to just use this "waiting time" as a time of preparation to be the best she can be when he does come along her path. It's all in the Lord's hands. All we can do is do our best. :)
